I got up early today so we could catch the bus on time. We got ready and caught the bus on time. It was a double decker bus so we sat on top level right at the front. From our perspective it looked like the bus was taking up the whole road other lane and all.
We arrived at the theater ages before we were needed so we played with the dogs who must be sick and tired of 11 year old girls attacking them with cuddles every morning, afternoon and evening. I ran through the whole show as annie and I mucked up a few bits and bobs here and there but I won't do that again. The run went quite well but I am very nervous about playing such a big part next week! Dad arrived just as we went down to wardrobe to fit our costumes. After that we all said goodbye to Lydia and her mum because they went shopping. We went in the car back to the house where I packed some stuff to take home for the weekend.
We traveled home for an hour or so and when we got home I played around for a bit then gran came for tea. I will now stop typing and go to bed. Oh well no early night tonight. Well I'll have one tomorrow honest.
Just to say thinking of you. Be amazing like we know you are. Break a leg. Auntie Jo & Catrin! ☺