Saturday, 14 August 2010

Day 7 August 14th

Today we got up quite late and we were all rushing around to get ready in time. We needed to get to the rehearsal room at 11:00. Although we had a later start we felt like we had hardly any time at all. We are all used to the walk now but we still feel like we are tired before we start up.

Rodger Hannah, our directer, wasn't there today so the dance captain took the rehearsal. We did a dance clean up to make sure everyone was spot on and perfect with the dancing before we moved on. They were running behind so we didn't start doing anything until later on. We started on 'Hooverville' then we had a lunch break. Mum and Lydia's mum went to Tesco to buy all the stuff we needed. After lunch we did 'I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here' when the men who pick us up dropped Molly, which made Lydia and I feel slightly nervous. Our dads came down today to see us which was really nice.

After another horrible walk through the rain we got to our apartment where we got changed to go to a restraunt for tea. We had a lovely tea and now we are home we gave Lydia's dad a concert because it is his birthday tomorrow. Lydia and I are going to sleep on the airbeds in the hall tonight so our dads can have the beds. I am sorry I havn't posted until so late today but I have been otherwise occupied. Missing everyone at home!



  1. Hi good to speak to you at the weekend is the guy in the photo an actor who was in fiddler with us in llandudno looks abit like the one who did the wigs and played the priest.
    who is there from last year send us a list if you can, give our love to su and davis and simone and joe etc Linda and meg
