Monday, 16 August 2010

Day 8 August 15th

Finally the day we have been waiting for. Our day off! We had been planning today all week. We had decided we were going to the O2 arena.

I got up early-ish so we could go to Wetherspoons for a nice posh breakfast. After breakfast we went to the tube station. We got off the tube at Victoria station. First of all we went for a walk to Westminster Bridge so we could catch a tour boat to go to Greenwich. The tour boat was a nice relaxing trip down the Thames.

When we got off at Greenwich after seeing some of the fantastic sights of London, including the recreation of Shakespeares's globe theatre. Once we got off the boat we got on another tube to go to North Greenwich to go to the O2. We got off the tube and headed for the arena. On the way we found a fountain in the ground which dad decided o run through. As Linda and Bitesize would know dad and water are not a good combination! He got a bit wet.

The O2 arena looks like a village inside with restraunts and shops inside, we thought when we saw it from the outside it was a big tent witha few bits and bobs inside. First of all we made our way to the music experience museum.

The museum was awesome. We went to the ineractive room where we could play gutairs and drrums. I was bad at both but it was fun anyway. After that we went into the dance booth where we recorded us doing the twist. That didn't do mum's knee much good. We then walked around the music through the decades rooms where there were lots of old things such as hand written lyrics from 60's song and costumes worn by the spice girls.

We spent a good couple of hours there before we went further down the indoor 'street' where we came across some aqua globes. For those who do not know aqua globes are sort of blow up hamster balls that you go inside that allow you to walk on water. Lydia and I went on them they were so amazing I wished we had more time in them because we were only allowed 5 minutes.

After we had finished we went for tea in a restraunt. We had a tasty tea before we caught a tube to come back to our apartement. The train line we needed to go on was closed so after quite some negoiation we got home.



  1. If I had been doign all the rehearsls you had I would stay in bed all day! ♥

  2. Hello - We had a great time on Sunday. I can see you are working hard today. Got some photos of you with David McAlister.

    Enjoy your last day in London on Wed, and I'll look forward to seeing you in Bradford at the weekend.
