Monday, 9 August 2010

Day 2 August 9th

Today I got up at 7:30 in our travel lodge. We pottered around the room for a while before getting dressed and going down for our breakfast at 8:00. After our very tasty continental breakfast we went back to ou room to get our cases so we could travel to Islington for my annie rehearsal at 10:00.

At 10:00 it began! I met the cast, including the other girls who will be sharing the part of annie with me, Lydia and Molly. We were very bored at first because the musical director, Mark, was going through 'Hooverville' with the adults, which annie doesn't sing. But after a 15 minute break we sang 'N.Y.C.' which annie has a solo line in!

When we had sung that we went on a lunch break at 1:00. I went to Mc. Donalds and had a cheese burger. After lunch we went and met up with Lydia and Molly to go for a walk around. We headed back to the theatre/chapel where we were rehearsing at 2:00 to carry on. In the afternoon we went through several songs that annie is in before we had another break. After the break annie wasn't needed so we all loaded the car and walked to the appartment we would be sharing for the rehearsal period in London.

The appartment is really cool but there aren't enough beds at the moment so Molly and her mumhave to go to a hotel by kings cross. Lydia and I will miss her but we will have lots of fun. We are having tea then we will g to bed for a nice, well-deserved rest!



  1. so being a professional is not always exciting, told you thered be lots of sitting around, hope your mother rememebred her btec work love Linda
