Monday, 23 August 2010

Day 15 August 23rd

Today I got up at a respectable time because we were going to begin the tech rehearsals. After a short bus journey to the theater we were ready to begin. We started with the sound checks making sure that the mics were on the right volume levels for our voices. Lydia was the one who tested the annie mic and Molly tested tessie's. Then we got into costumes. I was going to be annie and Lydia was going to be tessie. With our costumes complete, wigs and all, we began the tech.

The first and second scenes went very well even danny the dog came to me when I called him. But it was all going too well. It was too good to last. In the 3rd scene my wig had moved and pulled my mic tape off and my wig cap scrumple up under the wig. Susan made some adjustments to it before I went on to to the 4th scene but halfway through it began to slip off. It was halfway off my head before I had even started I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here. Simone sorted it out for me and in our coffee break we completley re did my hair and it stayed on perfectly.

After lunch I got out of costume and watched the rest of the rehearsal. We finished a bit earlier than schedualed which was good because we were schedualed to finish at 10:00. We went back by taxi and had an early ish night.


p.s. the next few posts have been delayed because of the shows finishing late I will post the a.s.a.p. sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Victoria and the gang - The wig really suits you, especially the curly one. Really enjoying reading your blogs. Cant wait for Bitesize to restart next wk, rehearsals for annie (orphans) start next wk, really looking forward to that. Hope everything goes well on the tour, c u really soon now love moli xxx
