Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Day 9 August 16th

Rehearsals started again today. An early start this morning. If there is one thing in this world I could live without it would be early starts! I suppose I don't really mind when I am getting up to start rehearsing for annie. Dada showed us a faster shorter route to the rehearsal rooms so we don't have to walk a mile every day now at 9:25.

We didn't do much this morning but this afternoon we went through all the bits and bobs we hadn't done in act 2.One of these parts was 'I Don't Need Anything But You' reprise which was quite fun. In the lunch breaks we now make a trip o the local tesco for 'supplies' so to speak. In tesco there is a gormet doughnut stand where we all get some doughnuts for after tea. We have all just realised that in a weeks time we will be starting the shows, uh oh.

After not doing much in rehearsals we went home and after tea we had a few hours learning what was scheduealed for tomorrow. We were planning on an early night which I can tell you didn't happen. I am sure we will be earlier tomorrow.(Although we have said that all week!)


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