We had an 11:00 start so I didn't need to get up until later than normal. I had a hot chocolate, which I haven't had for a long time, for breakfast with my toast. The weather was nice this morning on the way to the rehearsal room for the last time in London then we move to Bradford o prepare for shows.
Not much was done in rehearsals today because Lydia was annie and Molly and I were orphans. It was fun to be an orphan again doing the reindeer and I got to do 'molly's' part and get lifted up by daddy warbucks in the last scene. We got to do a bit in the morning and clean up the routines but we just sat this afternoon. We had the schedule for the coming week including the shows and I found out that i am going to be doing the opening night to open the whole tour when Mr. Moreno. Mr. Hannah and the press come to watch.
We stopped off at Wetherspoons for tea where we had a call from the offices in Lincoln saying that we should have had all our belongings out of the apartment because someone was coming to clean it. We didn't know this and we thought we were spending the night there. Actually we had no accomadation for tonight at all. So we went back to the appartment to pack the rest of our things. We found out we would be spending the night in a travel lodge by kings cross station where we would catch our train to Bradford in the morning.
When we got to the hotel we were so close to the station we can hear the trains going past all the time. We are all upset and frustrated but at least we have a warm comfy bed, a roof over our heads and eachother. The sun will come out tomorrow!
Hi Gorgeous. Dad told us about the- mix up last night over accommodation, but I gather you got sorted out. Enjoy yourself in Bradford, I'e just been looking at the Allambra theatre in Bradford. It looks a beautiful building. Love Grandadx
ReplyDeleteyou must have been working hard then , they wouldn't want you to do the press night if they had any concerns about you. Go get them girl show them that a bitesizer is completely professional. We were talking about it and reckon you won't look fantastic to us cause we're used to you being like that.Lots of love lin and meg.