Thursday, 12 August 2010

Day 5 August 12th

I got up second to last today, which is still very good for me! We had even more terrible news this morning because Molly's mum text saying that the hotel was horrible and they hated it. We all felt very sorry for them both! We had the early 10:00 start this morning so Lydia was like a zombie when she eventually got up, It felt like we had changed musicals to thiller!

We blocked out the rest of act 1 this morning, except for the first scene, and this afternoon we 'staggered' through act 1. The dancers must have been so fed up because we had to do every scene 3 times so each of us annies could have a go. We got to sing 'Tomorrow' today and all the cast gave me a big clap at the end of the song. We had to do quite a bit of sitting around but we did the most we have done all week.

Now we are back at the apartment Lydia has got a friend round who was an orphan last year. We had a nice tea and I had two chocolate eclairs for pudding so i am now very full. For the first time Molly is going to be able to sleep in our apartment because the production company has bought an airobed for her and her mum. We are all really enjoying it and we cant wait to start the performances!



  1. Rehersals seem to be going very well Victoria Lydia and Molly are doing a fantastic job

  2. hi seems like you've all had a busy day. glad its going well. News here is that i spoke to richard and it looks like Liam may have his firat audition, for an advert for macdonald's !!!
    We are almost ready for the performance of the rocky horror picture show and in the technical rehearsal we had a few issues with connor's trousers not falling down properly but otherwise it wasn't too bad. Fiona's madeus a brilliant pink caddillac and an angry cloud. yes bitesize continues to be bizarre. hope your mum is doing okay tell her that i'm going to tea at Su H's place tonight with the rector/ bishop whatever he is ...... I'm sooooooooooooooooo looking forward to it..... I don't have to cook tea!!!!.
    Speak soon Love Linda

  3. Please send pics of everyone if you can thanks

  4. Yes your right! I was like a zombie! haha. I was very tiered that day!! hahah lol xxx :)
