Today was really fun because I was a home and I could just relax and for get everything. We had a very lazy morning just moping about at home. When we got dressed we went into Chester to find a replacement bracelet for one mum lost. We spent ages in Chester and when we were in the center we had a call from Linda asking if I was home and if I would like to go and rehearse with the bitesize orphans. So when we had been in all the shops and found mum some new bracelets we headed for bitesize. The rehearsals were fab and the bitesize orphans were really good considering they had only been rehearsing a few weeks. Lauren came home with us and had a sleepover.
I woke up before Lauren and read my book whilst I waited for her. She woke up quite a while later then we mucked about in bed. We lazed around all and didn't do much and when we eventually got dressed we took my dogs for a walk around alan waters country park in Bradly. I was sad to see Lauren go home again but in some ways I was excited for the next day when I would be going o Reading. I had a bath and helped mum pack when I got back in and had an early night.
I had to get up early this morning to go to Reading. We had a really long journey down and when we arrived at our apartment we were greeted by Lydia and her parents outside. The apartment is ok but not amazing. We sat around for a bit before we all trooped to the theater to meet everyone. The theater is so small we can't have the stairs or the car on stage so we have to make do without. The orphans are very nice at first when I saw them I thought they would be more stage school girls but no they are so nice and we will nickname them the awesome orphans. We went to burger King for tea as a special treat. We had a quick tech and sound check to make sure all was clear with everyone. The show went alright and afterwards dad gave us a taxi ride home. We all went to bed a midnight. Good Morning everyone sleep well!
Today I had to get up to do my school work. I did some maths and english. We got dressed to go for a walk by the Thames. We found an amazing park with a paddling pool and we spent ages there. After we reluctantly left we went to Starbucks. We made our way back and got our bags ready for the show. The orphans turned up for warm-up with their costumes and mics on with their hairs done no wonder they were late. The show went fabulously this evening and we had an earlier night.
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